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Eviction Moratorium Update Effective Monday, November 14, landlords can now file evictions unless tenants declare in writing that they should be protected by the COVID Eviction Moratorium. Your landlord should give you a copy of the form before they give you a five-day notice, but you can make one yourself at

For more information contact Brooke Smith at 

The City of Chicago’s Mortgage and Rental Assistance Programs offer financial relief to Chicagoans who have been impacted by the economic fallout from the outbreak of the Coronavirus. These two relief programs provide financial support to eligible Chicago households to help tackle one of their biggest monthly expenses - housing. Grants may be used for rent or mortgage payments for your primary residence.

NHS will start accepting applications from August 3rd, 12 noon and distribute available grants on a first come first served basis.

For application assistance contact Brooke Smith at 

The Department of Family Support Services' Rental Assistance Program is available for individuals and families that are in immediate risk of eviction. Property owners must agree to participate in the program and cannot be a relative of the applicant or live in the household of the applicant. In addition, eligible applicants must demonstrate an ability to meet rent payments after assistance has been granted – based on the applicant’s current or anticipated income. 

Click here to view a list of Frequently Asked Questions about this program.

The Shelter List provides a directory of shelters that offers assistance to the homeless. We do not directly provide aid ourselves, but provide local resources for you to find. Most major U.S. cities including Chicago, Illinois, offer shelter for persons in need.


Follow the link above to search for shelters and community organizations serving those facing homelessness or housing insecurity.

The Emergency Heating Repair Program is a grant program available to income-eligible Chicago homeowners to repair or replace their furnaces. An application is available by calling 311, by request through the CHI311 app or by downloading the application packet at this link. Follow the instructions for detailed information on completing and submitting the forms and all required documents for processing.  

Click here for the 2020 Program Flyer

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